Healthier colour solutions, tailored to every use.

Your customers want to avoid synthetic substances and chemicals at all costs. BOTANIKind's full range of all-natural food colouring alternatives, derived from the juice extracted from vegetables, can help do that. Our experts have perfected the art and science of transforming the vibrancy of nature into clean, effective, stable, and long-lasting natural colours, tailored to meet specific needs.

The BOTANIKind promise

We not only take pride in our ability to deliver an endless array of natural colour solutions, including those in our ColorKIND range, that perform exactly as expected, but also in our commitment to upholding the highest standards for quality and consistency in the market today. All our natural colours are:

100% plant-based




Vegan- and Vegetarian-friendly

FSSC 22000



Natural colours without limits

Working with natural colours has not always been easy. That is, until now. Our team has created a cost-effective and endlessly customisable colour platform that now makes switching from artificial to natural a no-brainer.


Create the exact hue you need from our naturally-sourced palette of primary and secondary colours.


Scale up colour vibrancy as much as you want without ever affecting your product's flavour profile.


Maintain colour consistency throughout a product's shelflife and in all environmental conditions.

The ColorKIND™ alternative

If your goal is to make your product labels as consumer-friendly as possible, take advantage of our ColorKIND™ range of low-processed plant-, fruit-, and algae-based juice food colouring concentrates.

Pick the perfect colour

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We can match it.

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Natural colours for every use case

BOTANIKind gives you limitless access to a rainbow of perfectly matched natural colours, enabling you to add a touch of healthy colour to food and beverage products.

Experience BOTANIKind's natural colours
Industry-leading, heat-resistant reds, blues, and light-stable yellows.

Our colours come from nature

The secret behind our stunning, healthy, and customisable all-natural colour palette.

Beet Root

Pigment: Betanin (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Pink to red-purple

Technical features

  • Water-soluble
  • Unaffected by pH
  • Naturally sensitive to heat, light, oxygen and metal ions

Discover RedKIND™

Our proprietary, beet-based red hue remains stunningly vibrant, even at high heat.

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Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Beta vulgaris
  • Distinctive features: Biennial crops that can be cultivated in temperate climates.
  • Harvest periods: August-October
  • Nutritional profile: Rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals due to its carbohydrate content. Beet intake has been associated with improved performance and increased tolerance to fatigue during exercise.

Discover RedKIND

Our proprietary, beet-based red hue remains stunningly vibrant, even at high heat.

Red Radish

  Pigment: Pelargonidin (Anthocyanins)

  Hue: Red to purple

  Technical features

  • Water-soluble
  • Affected by pH
  • Sensitive to heat, light, and structure
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Raphanus sativus
  • Distinctive features: Fast-growing annual or biennial crops that grow in various climates. Harvesting periods can be extended with repeat plantings. Red radish is often consumed raw as a salad vegetable.
  • Harvest periods: Year-round, with crops ready for harvest 3-5 weeks after planting.
  • Nutritional profile: A rich source of source of nutrients and phytochemicals, red radish offers a naturally high vitamin C content (18% DV for 100g), contains minerals like potassium, and is full of powerful antioxidants, including flavonoids and beta-carotene.

Gardenia Red

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoid glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, it can also create shades of red, blue, and yellow.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • Unaffected by pH
  • Sensitive to heat, light, and structure
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to South East Asia, this plant thrives in temperate and subtropical climates and can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit is well-known for its effective colouring properties and myriad health benefits in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Harvest periods: September-November. The dried ripe fruits are harvested once they begin turning yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, more specifically, is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive properties. As a functional supplement, the fruit offers photoprotective properties for skin health.


Pigment: Capsanthin, Capsorubin

Hue: Orange to red

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Water solubility possible with emulsification and encapsulation
  • Good light stability
  • Medium heat stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
  • Distinctive features: Mainly cultivated in China and India, the paprika plant grows in well-drained soil.
  • Harvest periods: April–October, depending on the fruit's maturity.
  • Nutritional profile: Paprika is a naturally rich source of vitamin C while its carotenoids have been shown to have potential DNA-protection and antioxidant benefits.


Pigment: Phycocyanin (phycobiliproteins)

Hue: Intense blue

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • Low heat, light, and pH stability
  • Can be formulated to improve processing stability

Discover BlueKIND™

Heat-stable spirulina-based blue colour

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Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Arthrospira platensis
  • Distinctive features: Large-scale spirulina cultivations are primarily found in China and India. One of the biggest challenges of growing spirulina, however, is striking the right balance between water alkalinity and plentiful sunlight to ensure the highest possible phycocyanin content. Open-air pond cultivation settings are typically the best, but growers must monitor water and air quality closely to maintain utmost purity.
  • Harvest periods: April–October
  • Nutritional profile: Spirulina is considered a superfood, containing a high concentration of protein (up to 70%) and other micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, chlorophyl, carotenoids, and the powerful antioxidant compound, phycocyanin.

Gardenia Blue

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoi glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, gardenia genipen pigments can create a diverse range of red, blue, and yellow shades.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • High ph stability
  • Low light stability
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to Southeast Asia, the plant thrives in temperate, subtropical climates, where it can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known for its natural colouring properties.
  • Harvest periods: September–November. The dried ripe fruits of G. jasminoides are typically harvested when they begin to turn yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit of gardenia has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, specifically, has been shown to offer a variety of anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive benefits. As a dietary supplement, the photoprotective properties of Gardenia jasminoides have often been used to support skin health.

Butterfly Pea

Pigment: Ternatins (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Pink to blue

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat and light stability
  • Moderate pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to oxygen, metal ions, and vitamins
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea
  • Distinctive features: The butterfly pea is a perennial leguminous that grows best in tropical regions offering moist soil, high temperatures, and plentiful sunlight. The vines grow quickly, typically in 60-day cycles.
  • Harvest periods: All year Round
  • Nutritional profile: Consummed as an herbal tea for centuries, the butterfly pea has been studied in animals for various pharmacologic benefits, including a range of anti-inflammatory and nootropic properties, likely linked to its high flavonol and anthocyanin content.


Pigment: Beta-carotene

Hue: Yellow to orange

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Water solubility possible with emulsification
  • High heat and light stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Distinctive features: The carotene fungus can be obtained via fermentation with Blakeslea trispora strains.
  • Nutritional profile: When Pro-Vitamin A is consumed, it is converted into essential vitamin A (retinol) by the body to support vision, skin health, and immunity. Vitamin A is naturally present in fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, butternut squash, etc.

Purple Sweet Potato

Pigment: Peonidin & Cyanindin (Anthocyanins)

Hue: Purple-Pink

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat stability
  • Moderate light and pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to metal ions and vitamins (can lead to discoloration)
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Ipomoea batatas
  • Distinctive features: A very common vegetable that grows all year long in both tropical and colder climates—as long as there is at least a 3-month frost-free period. Sweet potato tubers can be white, yellow, orange, red and purple. All varieties are edible, but red and purple sweet potatoes are used specifically by the colour industry for their high concentration of colour pigments.
  • Harvest periods: All year-round.
  • Nutritional profile: Not only delicious, sweet potatoes are high in protein and a source of carbohydrates. Purple sweet potatoes, more specifically, contain high levels of anthocyanins: polyphenols offering antioxidant properties that have been shown to protect cell DNA along with other potential anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benefits.

Red Cabbage

Pigment: Cyanidin (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Red-to-blue purple

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat stability
  • Moderate light and pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to metal ions and vitamins (can lead to discoloration)
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
  • Distinctive features: A common edible vegetable with origins in Europe, red cabbage is now cultivated and harvested all over the world in a wide range of soils and climates (including in high-frost zones).
  • Harvest periods: August-September
  • Nutritional profile: Red cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked, with both preparations offering a high source of fiber, vitamins C and K, minerals, and powerful bioactives like beta-carotene and anthocyanins.

Black Carrot

Pigment: Cyanidins (Anthocyanins)

Hue: Red-Purple

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat and light stability
  • Moderate pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to oxygen, metal ions, and vitamins
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Daucus carota
  • Distinctive features: Similar to orange carrots, black carrots also grow in well-draining sandy soil in virtually any climate—temperate to warm temperatures are preferred.
  • Harvest periods: All year-round.
  • Nutritional profile: Carrots are the most popular vegetable after potatoes. Although orange carrots are the most well-known variety, the availability of purple and black carrots is seeing an uptick in Western Europe. Because black carrots have a higher concentration of anthocyanins and other antioxidant properties than orange carrots, they are seen as a more nutritionally-valuable ingredient.

Black Charcoal

Pigment: Charcoal

Hue: Black and shades of gray

Technical features

  • Vegetarian activated charcoal
  • High stability across use cases


Pigment: Curcumin (curcuminoïd)

Hue: Bright yellow

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble polyphenol
  • Can be formulated for water solubility
  • High heat and pH stability
  • Poor light stability

Discover YellowSOL™

Curcumin-based heat- and light-stable natural colour.

Learn more
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Curcuma longa L.
  • Distinctive features: A perennial plant that grows to ~one meter (three feet) high. Mainly cultivated in China, India, and Southeast Asia, the plant requires temperatures ranging from 20-30°C and a high quantity of water.
  • Harvest periods: January–April
  • Nutritional profile: Turmeric rhizomes are used as a spice in Asian cuisine, offering valuable health benefits thanks to a high concentration of curcumanoïds phytoactives. As a dietary supplement, turmeric has a proven track-record of improving joint health—thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties—digestive health, and skin health. Research continues to pinpoint other benefits associated with curcuminoïds.


Pigment: Carthamin

Hue: Bright yellow to golden yellow

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • High heat, light, and pH stability
  • Can produce a range of colours from orange to white
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius
  • Distinctive features: Mainly cultivated in China and India at high altitudes with limited humidity.
  • Harvest periods: Flowers are hand-plucked in August (annual harvest).
  • Nutritional profile: The flowers and seeds of the safflower plant have been used in Chinese and Persian traditional medicine for centuries, primarily for treating cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and gynecological conditions. The linoleic acid present in safflower seed oil may also help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Gardenia Yellow

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoid glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, gardenia genipen pigments can create a diverse range of red, blue, and yellow shades.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to Southeast Asia, the plant thrives in temperate, subtropical climates, where it can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known for its natural colouring properties.
  • Harvest periods: September–November. The dried ripe fruits of G. jasminoides are typically harvested when they begin to turn yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit of gardenia has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, specifically, has been shown to offer a variety of anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive benefits. As a dietary supplement, the photoprotective properties of Gardenia jasminoides have often been used to support skin health.


Pigment: Lutein (carotenoid)

Hue: Orange

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Can be formulated for water solubility
  • High heat and light stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Tagetes erecta
  • Distinctive features: Versatile plant that can grow in different types of soil in various geographical areas around the world.
  • Harvest periods: June-August (annual harvest)
  • Nutritional profile: As a dietary supplement, lutein is often used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Clinical studies have shown potential benefits for preventing age-related macular disease.

Beet Root

Pigment: Betanin (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Pink to red-purple

Technical features

  • Water-soluble
  • Unaffected by pH
  • Naturally sensitive to heat, light, oxygen and metal ions

Discover RedKIND™

Our proprietary, beet-based red hue remains stunningly vibrant, even at high heat.

Learn more
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Beta vulgaris
  • Distinctive features: Biennial crops that can be cultivated in temperate climates.
  • Harvest periods: August-October
  • Nutritional profile: Rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals due to its carbohydrate content. Beet intake has been associated with improved performance and increased tolerance to fatigue during exercise.

Red Radish

  Pigment: Pelargonidin (Anthocyanin)

  Hue: Red to purple

  Technical features

  • Water-soluble
  • Affected by pH
  • Sensitive to heat, light, and structure
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Raphanus sativus
  • Distinctive features: Fast-growing annual or biennial crops that grow in various climates. Harvesting periods can be extended with repeat plantings. Red radish is often consumed raw as a salad vegetable.
  • Harvest periods: Year-round, with crops ready for harvest 3-5 weeks after planting.
  • Nutritional profile: A rich source of source of nutrients and phytochemicals, red radish offers a naturally high vitamin C content (18% DV for 100g), contains minerals like potassium, and is full of powerful antioxidants, including flavonoids and beta-carotene.

Gardenia Red

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoid glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, it can also create shades of red, blue, and yellow.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • Unaffected by pH
  • Sensitive to heat, light, and structure
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to South East Asia, this plant thrives in temperate and subtropical climates and can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit is well-known for its effective colouring properties and myriad health benefits in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Harvest periods: September-November. The dried ripe fruits are harvested once they begin turning yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, more specifically, is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive properties. As a functional supplement, the fruit offers photoprotective properties for skin health.


Pigment: Capsanthin, Capsorubin

Hue: Orange to red

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Water solubility possible with emulsification and encapsulation
  • Good light stability
  • Medium heat stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
  • Distinctive features: Mainly cultivated in China and India, the paprika plant grows in well-drained soil.
  • Harvest periods: April–October, depending on the fruit's maturity.
  • Nutritional profile: Paprika is a naturally rich source of vitamin C while its carotenoids have been shown to have potential DNA-protection and antioxidant benefits.


Pigment: Phycocyanin (Phycobiliprotein)

Hue: Intense blue

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • Low heat, light, and pH stability
  • Can be formulated to improve processing stability

Discover BlueKIND™

Heat-stable spirulina-based blue colour

Learn more
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Arthrospira platensis
  • Distinctive features: Large-scale spirulina cultivations are primarily found in China and India. One of the biggest challenges of growing spirulina, however, is striking the right balance between water alkalinity and plentiful sunlight to ensure the highest possible phycocyanin content. Open-air pond cultivation settings are typically the best, but growers must monitor water and air quality closely to maintain utmost purity.
  • Harvest periods: April–October
  • Nutritional profile: Spirulina is considered a superfood, containing a high concentration of protein (up to 70%) and other micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, chlorophyl, carotenoids, and the powerful antioxidant compound, phycocyanin.

Gardenia Blue

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoid glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, gardenia genipen pigments can create a diverse range of red, blue, and yellow shades.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • High ph stability
  • Low light stability
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to Southeast Asia, the plant thrives in temperate, subtropical climates, where it can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known for its natural colouring properties.
  • Harvest periods: September–November. The dried ripe fruits of G. jasminoides are typically harvested when they begin to turn yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit of gardenia has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, specifically, has been shown to offer a variety of anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive benefits. As a dietary supplement, the photoprotective properties of Gardenia jasminoides have often been used to support skin health.

Butterfly Pea

Pigment: Ternatins (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Pink to blue

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat and light stability
  • Moderate pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to oxygen, metal ions, and vitamins
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea
  • Distinctive features: The butterfly pea is a perennial leguminous that grows best in tropical regions offering moist soil, high temperatures, and plentiful sunlight. The vines grow quickly, typically in 60-day cycles.
  • Harvest periods: TBD
  • Nutritional profile: Consummed as an herbal tea for centuries, the butterfly pea has been studied in animals for various pharmacologic benefits, including a range of anti-inflammatory and nootropic properties, likely linked to its high flavonol and anthocyanin content.


Pigment: Beta-carotene (Carotenoid)

Hue: Yellow to orange

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Water solubility possible with emulsification
  • High heat and light stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Distinctive features: The carotene fungus can be obtained via fermentation with Blakeslea trispora strains.
  • Nutritional profile: When Pro-Vitamin A is consumed, it is converted into essential vitamin A (retinol) by the body to support vision, skin health, and immunity. Vitamin A is naturally present in fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, butternut squash, etc.

Purple Sweet Potato

Pigment: Peonidin & Cyanindin (Anthocyanins)

Hue: TBD

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat stability
  • Moderate light and pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to metal ions and vitamins (can lead to discoloration)
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Ipomoea batatas
  • Distinctive features: A very common vegetable that grows all year long in both tropical and colder climates—as long as there is at least a 3-month frost-free period. Sweet potato tubers can be white, yellow, orange, red and purple. All varieties are edible, but red and purple sweet potatoes are used specifically by the colour industry for their high concentration of colour pigments.
  • Harvest periods: All year-round.
  • Nutritional profile: Not only delicious, sweet potatoes are high in protein and a source of carbohydrates. Purple sweet potatoes, more specifically, contain high levels of anthocyanins: polyphenols offering antioxidant properties that have been shown to protect cell DNA along with other potential anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benefits.

Red Cabbage

Pigment: Cyanidin (Anthocyanin)

Hue: Red-to-blue purple

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat stability
  • Moderate light and pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to metal ions and vitamins (can lead to discoloration)

BOTANIKind offers a deodourized food colour solution to minimise potent red cabbage flavours.

Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
  • Distinctive features: A common edible vegetable with origins in Europe, red cabbage is now cultivated and harvested all over the world in a wide range of soils and climates (including in high-frost zones).
  • Harvest periods: August-November
  • Nutritional profile: Red cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked, with both preparations offering a high source of fiber, vitamins C and K, minerals, and powerful bioactives like beta-carotene and anthocyanins.

Black Carrot

Pigment: Cyanidin (Anthocyanin)

Hue: TBD

Technical features

  • Naturally water soluble
  • High heat and light stability
  • Moderate pH stability (the shade produced can shift based on pH level)
  • The pigment is sensitive to oxygen, metal ions, and vitamins
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Daucus carota
  • Distinctive features: Similar to orange carrots, black carrots also grow in well-draining sandy soil in virtually any climate—temperate to warm temperatures are preferred.
  • Harvest periods: TBD
  • Nutritional profile: Carrots are the most popular vegetable after potatoes. Although orange carrots are the most well-known variety, the availability of purple and black carrots is seeing an uptick in Western Europe. Because black carrots have a higher concentration of anthocyanins and other antioxidant properties than orange carrots, they are seen as a more nutritionally-valuable ingredient.

Black Charcoal

Pigment: Charcoal

Hue: Black and shades of gray

Technical features

  • Vegetarian activated charcoal
  • High stability across use cases


Pigment: Curcumin (Curcuminoïd)

Hue: Bright yellow

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble polyphenol
  • Can be formulated for water solubility
  • High heat and pH stability
  • Poor light stability

Discover YellowSOL™

Curcumin-based heat- and light-stable natural colour.

Learn more
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Curcuma longa L.
  • Distinctive features: A perennial plant that grows to ~one meter (three feet) high. Mainly cultivated in China, India, and Southeast Asia, the plant requires temperatures ranging from 20-30°C and a high quantity of water.
  • Harvest periods: January–April
  • Nutritional profile: Turmeric rhizomes are used as a spice in Asian cuisine, offering valuable health benefits thanks to a high concentration of curcuminoïds phytoactives. As a dietary supplement, turmeric has a proven track-record of improving joint health—thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties—digestive health, and skin health. Research continues to pinpoint other benefits associated with curcuminoïds.


Pigment: Carthamin

Hue: Bright yellow to golden yellow

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • High heat, light, and pH stability
  • Can produce a range of colours from orange to white
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius
  • Distinctive features: Mainly cultivated in China and India at high altitudes with limited humidity.
  • Harvest periods: Flowers are hand-plucked in August (annual harvest).
  • Nutritional profile: The flowers and seeds of the safflower plant have been used in Chinese and Persian traditional medicine for centuries, primarily for treating cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and gynecological conditions. The linoleic acid present in safflower seed oil may also help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Gardenia Yellow

Pigment: Genipin (Iridoi glucoside)

Hue: Pink to red. When exposed to different amino acids, gardenia genipen pigments can create a diverse range of red, blue, and yellow shades.

Technical features

  • Naturally heat stable
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Gardenia jasminoides
  • Distinctive features: Native to Southeast Asia, the plant thrives in temperate, subtropical climates, where it can grow up to 3 meters tall. The fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known for its natural colouring properties.
  • Harvest periods: September–November. The dried ripe fruits of G. jasminoides are typically harvested when they begin to turn yellow.
  • Nutritional profile: The fruit of gardenia has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, liver cirrhosis, and pyogenic infections. Genipin, specifically, has been shown to offer a variety of anti-inflammatory and anti-depressive benefits. As a dietary supplement, the photoprotective properties of Gardenia jasminoides have often been used to support skin health.


Pigment: Lutein (carotenoids)

Hue: Orange

Technical features

  • Naturally oil soluble
  • Can be formulated for water solubility
  • High heat and light stability
  • Unaffected by pH
Plant profile
  • Botanical name: Tagetes erecta
  • Distinctive features: Versatile plant that can grow in different types of soil in various geographical areas around the world.
  • Harvest periods: June-August (annual harvest)
  • Nutritional profile: As a dietary supplement, lutein is often used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Clinical studies have shown potential benefits for preventing age-related macular disease.

Health statements may not comply with your country’s laws and regulations and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administrion. Refer to local regulatory for authorised colours in food and beverage

The BOTANIKind difference: Colours just as vibrant as nature

Creating the highest performing, bespoke natural colour solutions is only made possible by the combination of our efficient supply chain, industry-leading formulation expertise, and tireless commitment to quality.

Smart sourcing

Thanks to our vertically-integrated supply chain and close relationships with growers, we are able to play a central role in determining the right time to harvest raw materials for optimal pigment concentration. Part of this also includes ensuring these crops are free from unwanted chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals.

Expert formulation

Ensuring natural colours can remain vibrant and stable across a variety of use cases comes with a unique set of technical challenges. One such challenge is how to make variations of a specific colour to be either water- or oil-soluble. To overcome this, our expert formulators use some of the industry's most sophisticated formulation techniques to enhance the performance of our natural colour solutions, including:

  • Advanced micro-encapsulation to maintain both colour stability and the longevity of hue vibrancy.
  • Nano-emulsification to increase colour transparency.

Create your perfect shade

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