Botanic specificity
Ginseng is one of the most well-known botanical extracts used in traditional medicine. For centuries its health benefits have provided immunity and helped the body fight fatigue. Undoubtedly, Panax Ginseng root is the most recognized and studied adaptogen in the world. Panax ginseng is a slow-growing, deciduous perennial that is native to eastern Asia, primarily China and the Korean Peninsula. It has been used for at least 2,000 years. It is now rare in its original range but is cultivated extensively in China, Japan, Korea, and Russia. Panax ginseng is one of about a dozen species in the genus Panax, all but two of which are found in Asia.
Traditional use
As Panax Ginseng is very tightly linked to China and its traditional medicine, the country accounts for over 70% of the world supply.
Consumer trend
The industry challenges : Adultaration linked to misbranded species, such as the adulteration of American ginseng with Asian ginseng, or vice versa, add/mixing or substitution of various ginseng plant parts. Ingredient purity : Ginseng growth conditions (shade, moisture of the soil, duration of cultivation – 3 to 5 years) create ideal conditions for opportunistic fungi and a fungal pathology. Farmers use a variety of fungicides and other pesticides on their ginseng to prevent root rot and related problems.
BKD solutions
we have selected and partnered with growers that comply to good agricultural practice. The ginseng roots that we use to produce our extracts are clean and free from hazardous compounds. We actively partner with our supply chain members in order to secure a consistent quality of Ginseng extract. We deliver to you authenticated extracts standardized to genuine ginsenosides, respecting US and European quality standard.
Sourcing challenge
At BKD, we have selected and partnered with growers (Jilin Area) that comply to good agricultural practice so that the ginseng roots that we use to produce our extracts are clean and free form hazardous compounds. We secure our supply chain in order to secure a consistent quality of our extract delivering to you authenticated extracts standardized to genuine ginsenosides, respecting US and European quality standard.
Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer (roots)
Ginsenosides (Rg1+Re+Rf+Rb1+Rc+Rb2+Rd)
Cultivated in China, Jilin and Heilongjiang
Beige powder
GMO free
BSE/TSE free
Allergen free
DNA-barcode to identify raw material
Low PAH trace
3 years
Bitter, characteristic taste
Soluble in water
Kosher, Halal
Standardized extract (8% total ginsenosides): 50 mg twice daily